More color filled photos from the inspiring Union Lane in Melbourne's CBD (Dec2007).
For those of you who missed Part 1 (see previous post Sunday Feb10) , Union Lane is just one of many streets in Melbourne which has now been declared a 'legal graffiti zone' and artists are free to put up their art as they please. The local councils encourage artists to communicate ideas and show them artwork before painting but many artists do so without bothering.. either way, the end result is something truly beautiful and raises the question: 'is legal graffiti still graffiti?'.. some say yes, others think the whole idea is a shameful example of graffiti selling-out and that graffiti in its purest form is about illegally spraying where eva the hell you like.
At the end of the day one thing is for sure.. these dirty lifeless back city alleys are now home to a new streetart gallery showing people that there is more to graffiti then gang related vandalism...Stay tuned for Part 3 of Melbourne Art coming soon. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Melbourne Art: Part 2
5:19 AM
street art