Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Artery Cloggers Part 1

You may feel nauseous after looking at these pics, but you have to admire the originality.

The Meat Ship: Sausages, pastry, franks and pork mince.

Bacon Taco Shells

The Hamdog: A hot dog wrapped in a beef patty that’s deep fried, covered with chili, cheese, onions, served on a hoagie bun topped with two fistfuls of fries and a fried egg.

Turbaconucken: A chicken inside a duck inside a turkey, all wrapped in bacon

French Fry-Encased Hot Dog On A Stick

The Double Bacon Burger Fatty Melt: Three bacon-stuffed grilled cheese sandwiches for buns, cheese, bacon and 2 four-ounce patties.

Corn Dog Pizza