Sunday, February 27, 2011

Askew Colour Theory

An interesting excerpt from New Zealand-based writer,  ASKEW's site regarding colour theory and graff...

“A while ago I painted this piece to give as an exclusive for a small 1 page segment about colour theory in Infamous magazine. I spoke in brief about my approach to colour at the time – which was going through two phases: one that drew from the random arrangement found in crystal formations. The second was drawing inspiration from the natural environment around me – the places I find sentimental like the West Coast of Auckland.

Here is an example of how I have started doing this. The piece is about 5 months old so certain aspects of the Diamondism approach to letter treatment have resolved themselves since this one but I do love the way the colours and textures of my favourite places are present in this work. Download it in a bigger size and analyze for yourself!” (ASKEW)