Saturday, January 31, 2009

Metro Mutants Multifaro


Final Fantasy XIII Trailer

It's out, it's gonna be amazing; just check out the trailer and feel the jaw drop to the floor and make you want to buy a PS3....

Hubless Custom Motorcycle

This amazing looking custom bike runs on the hubless wheels(spokeless wheels)and was designed by the guys at Amen Design.

Inspired by Franco Sbarro's hubless wheels. Hubless wheels work by fixing the rotating parts (brake ring, bearings, hubless rim) onto the outer side of a non-rotating inner ring that attaches to the motorcycle's swingarm or forks.

Advantages include decreased unsprung weight, reduced structural stress (no spokes to transmit forces through), increased braking leverage, more accurate steering, reduced vibration and a lower center of gravity.

Check this bike in motion. Looks so great! A guaranteed head-turner....


Phone Booth Aquarium

A telephone booth aquarium. By artists Benoit Deseille and Benedetto Bufalino for the Lyon Light Festival in France.

"With the advent of the mobile telephone, telephone booths lie unused. We rediscover this glass cage transformed into an aquarium, full of exotically coloured fish; an invitation to escape and travel."


Friday, January 30, 2009

Neckface Goes Big In LA

Classic Neck Face stylee done outside the Barracuda shop in Melrose, LA.


Le Hainaut s'organise contre les tags

L'intercommunale Ipalle et le MET ont signé vendredi une convention portant sur le nettoyage des tags dans la zone territoriale dépendant de Mons. L'opération se fera au prix coûtant.
Vendredi, Paul-Olivier Delannois, président d'IPALLE (intercommunale de propreté publique du Hainaut occidental), et Raoul Dumont, directeur du SPW (service public de Wallonie) pour la région territoriale de Mons, ont signé à Tournai pour une durée de trois ans une convention portant sur le nettoyage des tags et des graffitis sur les installations du MET le long du domaine routier et autoroutier.
D'abord ouvert aux 23 communes du Hainaut occidental, puis à la population, le service "Graffiti" d'Ipalle s'adresse à présent au secteur public via le MET, les districts routiers et autoroutiers ne disposant pas du personnel et du matériel nécessaires pour exécuter ce travail de détagage.
Dans cette convention, le SPW s'engage à payer le coût de l'intervention de détagage et au nettoyage des graffitis au coût horaire de 53 euros, représentant le prix de la main d'oeuvre, auquel s'ajoute le prix coûtant des consommables utilisés (sables, mazout, produits spéciaux...).
"En moyenne, une demi-heure est nécessaire à deux ouvriers pour nettoyer une superficie de 15m2. Une équipe de deux ouvriers peut procéder au détagage d'une superficie de 50 à 70m2 par jour. Tout dépend cependant du support sur lequel le tag a été effectué. Le travail est différent selon que le tag ait été apposé sur une pierre bleue, de la brique, un coffret en polyester ou encore un panneau routier. Nous utilisons des sables extrêmement fins, des lingettes ou encore des produits tels que le Grafiroxy", explique un des ouvriers d'Ipalle chargé de cette opération.
Afin de lutter contre l'incivisme public sur les bâtiments publics, Ipalle a investi il y a trois ans dans l'achat en fonds propres d'un camion totalement équipé. Pas moins de 110.000 euros ont été investis dans l'achat de ce véhicule doté d'une hydro sableuse, d'une station de lavage de haute pression à eau chaude, de deux réservoirs de 1.000 litres et d'un groupe électrogène permettant de travailler en autonomie.
30 jan 2009
Source :



oshie graffiti


Daniel LuVisi Concept Art

Daniel LuVisi makes amazing zombie/monster concept art. The above pic if for a potential movie adaptation of World War Z with the director of 'Quantum Of Solace' fame. Below are several other examples of what you can do in Photoshop and a Wacom tablet.


Office Worker Goes Insane

This goes out to all you office workers. If you're stuck in a cubicle all day this just might happen in your office.
An office worker in Russia has the biggest flip out and destroys his workplace, before being tasered by security. Original CCTV plus camera phone footage.

Lump Hammer Love Bites Show

Lump Hammer Love Bites Group Show

05.02.2009 - 28.02.2009
Concrete Hermit's first exhibition of 2009 is opening on Thursday February 5th and will include work by five artists creating prints, drawings and sculptures in the style of the ‘contemporary grotesque’ - a trip into the unique and intoxicating worlds of Andrew James Jones, Kate McMorrine, James Unsworth, Seth Scriver and Mudwig Dan

Concrete Hermit. 5a Club Row, E1 6JX London. UK.
talk: +44 (0) 207 729 2646 online:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Underwater Sculpture

Jason de Caires Taylor’s underwater sculptures in Grenada, West Indies, create a unique, absorbing and expansive visual seascape. Highlighting natural ecological processes Taylor’s interventions explore the intricate relationships that exist between art and environment. His works become artificial reefs, attracting marine life, while offering the viewer privileged temporal encounters, as the shifting sand of the ocean floor, and the works change from moment to moment.


Fresh Sneaker Custom Guide

This guide hosted on Sneaker Freaker by Sekure D is a very interesting and inspiring read that shows you how you can professionaly customise your sneakers and know that it has been done with style and most importantly, will stay looking fresh due to your now infinitely better preservation skills. If you want a pair of sneakers that is unique to you, I reccommend this guide. Thanks Very Masa for the heads up!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Have Your Say: Global warming, fact or fiction?

Caused by humans?
The earth's natural cycle?
Complete bulls@#!?
A real threat?
Government scare tactics?

Do you think global warming and climate change is fact or fiction?

Leave us your comments.

Vader customs

Whilst searching images online for a new painting project, I stumbled across this neat little exhibition that was held in LA in 2007 at the LA Convention Centre.. 66 different artists customized their very own Darth Vader helmet! (soooo jealous!)

Mario Bros X Batman




Isaac Hayes

Irma Rats

Self Assembling Modular Robot

A robot developed by roboticists at the University of Pennsylvania is made of modules that can recognise each other. This video shows modular robots reassembling when kicked apart.

Read more HERE.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Have Your Say: What's your favorite oldskool cartoon?


Transformers, He Man, Spiderman, Thundercats, Mask, Centurions, GI Joe... what is your all-time  favorite oldskool cartoon series? 

Leave us your comments.

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